
Winter Canola adoption is growing rapidly in medium and high rainfall environments. Used in dual purpose (graze & grain) and grain only systems, the big gain for farmers is what the wide sowing window can mean for them.

The vernalisation requirement or need for a period of cold weather, allows for a much earlier sowing of Canola compared to the traditional varieties grown in Australia.

Captain CL

Leading the way

Captain CL is a Hybrid Clearfield Dual-purpose Winter Canola that takes a large step forward in both yields and biomass production making it the perfect canola for your grain and graze needs.
  • Market leading yields backed up by independent trial results
  • Higher early season biomass for grazing applications
  • High Oil %
  • Quicker maturity than Hyola 970 CL & Edimax CL
  • R rating for Blackleg
  • Blackleg Group AH resistance

Phoenix CL

Rising Above... Again and Again

Phoenix CL is a Hybrid Clearfield Dual-purpose Winter Canola

  • Proven and consistent performance
  • Durability for grazing and for grain
  • R Blackleg bare seed rating
  • Blackleg Group B resistance
  • Maturity suited to a wide sowing window
  • Excellent early vigour
  • Improved pod shattering resistance
  • Late maturing winter type
"We planted Phoenix CL as a split paddock alongside another Winter Canola on the advice of our agronomist, and we are thrilled with the results. The Phoenix CL beat the other variety on yield, had great oil and we'll be planting Phoenix CL again this year. If it does this well sown in April we want to sow earlier, feed it more to see how hard we can push the grain yield. We really noticed how clean the crop was, and it had really strong straw.”
Steve Kinnersley
Farmer - Tourello, Victoria
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