Oats are a cereal crop that can provide good feed from late autumn through to early spring. Oats adapt to acid soils and are a useful tool in pasture renovation because they expand the number of chemical possibilities that can be used for weed control in the year prior to sowing a perennial pasture. Oats can be combined with a legume (such as the Target Oat & Vetch and Mega Silage blends) to increase overall quality if hay is required.
Very Slow
Grazing and Hay
North and South
A dual purpose oat, late maturing oat suited for grazing and export quality hay production. For graziers is offers excellent early growth and quick recovery from grazing and late maturity. Suited to Northern and Southern Australian environments. Features of Forester include high forage yields, good regrowth capabilities, excellent export quality hay and proven disease resistance.
Grazing Oat
Winter Feed
Marleigh is an exciting, mid-late maturity, improved grazing oat, with outstanding early vigour, fast biomass production and recovery post grazing. Marleigh comes out of South Amercian breeding program and is our best oat for winter grazing.
High Quality
A mid maturing, tall dwarf milling variety. Similar to BannisterA, with improved rust resistance and higher grain yield in Victoria. Tested as 09143-35. Bred by SARDI National Oat Breeding Program and marketed by Seednet with seed production in 2023.Â
May be attractive to feed end users due to potentially higher digestibility.
EPR $2.50.
High Yielding
A high yielding milling oat suitable to all oat growing regions of Australia. A strong grain quality package, including reduced screenings and high test weight.
Similar disease resistance to Bannister with good CCN resistance (MR).Â
Preliminary hay yield and quality data looks promising.
EPR $3.50
Grazing and Hay
Establishes in Warmer Soils
Sabre was chosen due to its very good initial
growth and total dry matter yield combined
with full rust resistance to all current leaf rust
Sabre is suitable for all classes of livestock,
hay or silage production. For best results in a
continuous grazing system, it should not be
grazed below the growing point located just
above the highest node.
Low PH Soils
Grazing Oat
Saia Oats are a tall black seeded grazing oat with a fine stem and smaller seed than most other varieties. It is fast to establish and will provide good quality quick feed for grazing, hay and silage. Saia grows in a wide range of soil types and has good tolerance of acid soil. Saia rebounds quickly after grazing. Commonly used in cover crop situations Saia Oats can help control Root Lesion Nematode and Stubby Root Nematodes which can cause dramatic damage in potato and vegetable crops. Highly tolerant to aluminium and manganese toxicity. Can be Spring or Autumn planted, Minimum rainfall 350 mls.
Grazing or Hay
Mulgara is a mid-season tall oat which is suited to hay production. It has exceptional hay yield which can make export quality.
Gippsland, Yarra Valley, SW Vic, & Lower SE SA
0409 776 126
Northern NSW & Queensland
0499 456 263
Victorian Mallee & South Australia
0448 863 169
South East NSW & North East Victoria
0491 219 291
SW Vic, Central Vic, SE South Australia, Murray NSW & Tasmania
0497 432 157
Key Accounts & Customer Service
03 5345 6262
NOTICE: Although the information and recommendations in this guide are presented in good faith and believed to be correct, AGF Seeds Pty. Ltd. makes no representations or warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of Information. Information is supplied upon the condition that the persons receiving same will make their own determination as to its suitability for their purposes prior to use. In no event will AGF Seeds Pty. Ltd. be responsible for any damages or loss of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon Information supplied in this guide.