
Very high yielding red wheat which excels in long season environments. Longford has proven to succeed in high disease pressure situations.

From the breeders who brought you BigRed
we are excited to introduce Longford. Longford
is a long season high yield potential red wheat with a strong disease package and lodging tolerance. Longford is suited to dual purpose (graze/grain) or grain only farming systems.

Longford has shown incredible yield potential in internal and independent trials, and topped many of 2022’s yield results in the National Variety Trials.

With great standability, great resistance, and great yields Longford should be in the rotation for any long season grower.

EPR $3.95/t


Septoria Tritici Blotch


Stem Rust


Stripe Rust


Leaf Rust

Trial Results

Longford vs Key Comparators Yield
Disease assessment on 3/10/23 from 2023 Smeaton,Vic long season wheat trial.
Heading Date - Long Season Wheat Trial Smeaton, Vic 2023
Lodging Index FAR Australia HYC Elite Screening Gnarwarre, Vic @GS99
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